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Legacy #145 WORLD

Legacy Ausgabe #144
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LEGACY #145:


The Idiots und widerständiger Metal: Sir Hannes aus dem Ruhrpott werkelt schon seit ungefähr 50 Jahren in unserer Szene und gehört zu den bekanntesten und umtriebigsten Originalen. Nicht umsonst hat er mit drei verschiedenen Projekten Geschichte geschrieben: The Idiots, Phantoms Of Future und Honigdieb. Passend zum nun erscheinenden neuen The-Idiots-Album „König der Idioten“ würdigen wir sein Schaffen mit einer Titelstory. Es geht dabei nicht nur um seine Bands, sondern vor allem um eine grundsätzliche Frage: Kann widerständige Kunst, wie sie Metal, Punk und Rock stets sein wollten und wollen, in der Gesellschaft etwas ändern? Um diesem Thema auf den Grund zu gehen, interviewen wir auch zahlreiche Bands, die momentan in Krisengebieten metallische Kunst zocken – 1914, White Ward und das Label Metal Scrap/TotalMetal aus der Ukraine, Woe Unto Me aus Weißrussland, Arallu aus Israel, Chthonic aus Taiwan und Skinflint aus Botswana erlauben uns Einblicke in ihre Situation. Apropos Widerstand: Nur wenige verkörpern den „rebel man“ so gut wie Alan Averill von Primordial. Ein neues Album steht im Herbst an, und so schnappten wir uns den „gut gelaunten“ Iren zum Vorab-Interview. Ähnlich tiefschürfend geht es bei einer langen Darkthrone-Story zur Sache, in welcher Fenriz einige Hintergrunddetails zum „Goatlord“-Re-Release verrät. Prädikat: extrem wertvoll für Kvlt-Fans! Mit Static Abyss haben Chris Reifert (Autopsy) und Greg Wilkinson (Autopsy) den Soundcheck gewonnen: Das neue Album „Aborted From Reality“ ist auch wahrlich ein zukünftiger Klassiker. Auf den restlichen Seiten frühstücken wir erneut alle relevanten metallischen Phänomene ab. Von den Spaß-Grindcorlern Milking The Goatmachine bis hin zu post-modernen kritischen Analysen von Fjoergyn ist alles dabei, was Rang und Namen hat. Die Vorstellung eines kommenden Heavy-Metal-Hörspiels – L.B. Steel – und eines Festivals zu Ehren des Szene-Originals Hartmuth Schindler (Barbarian Wrath) runden 224 Seiten der Ausgabe #146 ab.




LEGACY-COMPILATION mit 17 Tracks: Minas Morgul, Eminenz, Skalfar, Gebrechlichkeit, Vomotheist, Wolkn, Morgengrau, Atramentum, Beltfed Weapon, Scarlet Anger, Ancient Thunder, Urthum, Lord Gravehill, Pulsus Furor, Repelled, Terrifying Parasites, Susurro


LABEL-SPECIAL: Rock Of Angels! Records (ROAR) & WormHoleDeath


Zusätzlich zu den Titel- und Band-Features der CDs gibt es Interviews mit:

1476, Adversvm, Aetherian, All For Metal, Antioch, Asphodelus, Avaland, Before The Dawn, Blackscape, Blessed Curse, Bloodbound, Carcariass, Chamber, Chris Boltendahl’s Steelhammer, Concrete Cold, Crypta, Darkthrone, Dead Talks, Deitus, Eleine, Embryo, Enter Polaris, Evile, Fen, Feuerschwanz, Fjoergyn, From Ashes To New, Front Row Warriors, Fulci, I.C.E., Izrod, Knife, Kodiak Empire, Lancer, Liquid Flesh, Marc Hudson, Mark Arnold’s Artrock Project, Massen, Massive Power, Milking The Goatmachine, Minas Morgul, Moonstone, Nita Strauss, Nocturnal Breed, Oblivion Protocol, Oreida, ¡Pendejo!, Phantom Corporation, Primal Fear, Primordial, Raven, Ruïm, Sacrilegious Impalement, Sattelfest, Sigh, Skalmöld, Soen, Somnuri, Speed Limit, Static Abyss, Superbeast, Svntax Error, Swans, Tailgunner, Temple Of Dread, The Circle, The Fals, U.D.O., Unblessed Divine, Urne, Valkeat, Vaulderie, Veil Of Maya, Velvet Viper, Vendetta, Vexed, Virgin Steele, Warmen, Waxen, Winterstorm, Xasthur, Zaburon





LEGACY #145:


The Idiots and defiant Metal: Out of the so-called “Ruhrpott” emerged artist Sir Hannes who has been one of the most famous and dynamic artists in Germany’s Punk/Rock/Metal scene in the last 50 years. Needless to say he wrote underground history with his three musical projects The Idiots, Phantoms Of Future and Honigdieb. Most fittingly to the release of the new The Idiot’s album, “König der Idioten”, we analyze Sir Hannes’ work of art in detail. Thus, we do not only talk about The Idiots, but much more want to bring clarity to one most fundamental question: is subcultural and defiant art like Metal, Rock and Punk able to change societies? Do these works of arts have real impact? To find answers, we do not only interview Sir Hannes but also several bands who have to create art under dire circumstances. We asked 1914, White Ward and the label Metal Scrap/Total Metal from Ukraine, Woe Unto Me from Belarus, Arallu from Israel, Chthonic from Taiwan and Skinflint from Botswana about their will to play Metal, all of them granting us unique insights into their situation. But that’s not all. When talking about defiance and resistance, there are few people who portray the “rebel man” as well as Alan Averill from Primordial. A new album is due in autumn and, thus, we got a hold of the outspoken man to tell us what to expect. We also talked in-depth with Fenriz of Darkthrone about their re-release of the original “Goardlord” album. Rating: extremely relevant to fans of kvlt material! Static Abyss, meaning Chris Reifert (Autopsy) and Greg Wilkinson (Autopsy), won our soundcheck which does not surprise as “Aborted From Reality” is, indeed, a future classic of the genre. This, of course, is not all – we, once more, inform you about all madness that’s going on in our beloved little scene on 224 pages. From the funny Grindcore experts Milking The Goatmachine to the post-modern intellectuals of Fjoergyn, everything and everyone is interviewed. With a little portrait about a forthcoming Heavy Metal audioplay, namely L.B. Steel, and a festival honoring beloved scene original Hartmuth Schindler (Barbarian Wrath) our edition #146 is complete.




LEGACY-COMPILATION-CD featuring 17 tracks: Minas Morgul, Eminenz, Skalfar, Gebrechlichkeit, Vomotheist, Wolkn, Morgengrau, Atramentum, Beltfed Weapon, Scarlet Anger, Ancient Thunder, Urthum, Lord Gravehill, Pulsus Furor, Repelled, Terrifying Parasites, Susurro


LABEL-SPECIAL: Rock Of Angels! Records (ROAR) & WormHoleDeath


In addition to the title stories and bands featured on the CDs we have further interviews with:
1476, Adversvm, Aetherian, All For Metal, Antioch, Asphodelus, Avaland, Before The Dawn, Blackscape, Blessed Curse, Bloodbound, Carcariass, Chamber, Chris Boltendahl’s Steelhammer, Concrete Cold, Crypta, Darkthrone, Dead Talks, Deitus, Eleine, Embryo, Enter Polaris, Evile, Fen, Feuerschwanz, Fjoergyn, From Ashes To New, Front Row Warriors, Fulci, I.C.E., Izrod, Knife, Kodiak Empire, Lancer, Liquid Flesh, Marc Hudson, Mark Arnold’s Artrock Project, Massen, Massive Power, Milking The Goatmachine, Minas Morgul, Moonstone, Nita Strauss, Nocturnal Breed, Oblivion Protocol, Oreida, ¡Pendejo!, Phantom Corporation, Primal Fear, Primordial, Raven, Ruïm, Sacrilegious Impalement, Sattelfest, Sigh, Skalmöld, Soen, Somnuri, Speed Limit, Static Abyss, Superbeast, Svntax Error, Swans, Tailgunner, Temple Of Dread, The Circle, The Fals, U.D.O., Unblessed Divine, Urne, Valkeat, Vaulderie, Veil Of Maya, Velvet Viper, Vendetta, Vexed, Virgin Steele, Warmen, Waxen, Winterstorm, Xasthur, Zaburon


AVAILABLE FROM June 29th, 2023



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