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Legacy #141 DE

Legacy Ausgabe #141
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Candlemass & doooomige Ausflüge: Das 13. Candlemass-Album (Soundcheck-Sieger!) ist nicht nur Anlass, die Truppe mit einer Titelstory zu würdigen, sondern war uns auch Impuls, ein Doom-Special von epischer Länge zu produzieren. Neben einer historischen Abhandlung und einer Vorstellung zahlreicher Subgenres dieses vernichtenden Sounds sprechen wir auch mit Größen wie Tony Martin (Ex-Black-Sabbath), Greg Mackintosh (Paradise Lost, Strigoi), Robert Lowe (Ex-Candlemass, Ex-Solitude-Aeturnus) und analysieren Bands wie Saint Vitus, Procession, Acid Witch, Sunn O))) und viele mehr. Das soll’s aber noch nicht gewesen sein. Denn nach diesen doomigen Ausflügen geht’s auf in den Black- und Death-Bereich. Mit Sodom (eine der Urväter-Bands des Schwarzmetall), Kampfar und Dødsengel marschieren wir zuerst in die thrashigen Anfänge des Genres und lassen mit den heidnischen Norwegern die epische Seite des Schwarzmetall hochleben, nur um mit Dødsengel in okkulte Untiefen vorzudringen. Aber, halt! Only death is real, wie wir alle wissen! So haben wir als Abschluss dieser mit Specials aufgeladenen Ausgabe einen Todesblei-Ausblick auf 2023 für Euch am Start, inklusive Gesprächen mit David Vincent und Steve Tucker (Morbid Angel), Richard Cabeza (Dismember) sowie Martin van Drunen (Asphyx) und Dave Ingram (Benediction, Ex-Bolt-Thrower). Das sind übrigens nur knapp 65 der 244 Seiten – ansonsten erwarten Euch ein vierseitiges Interview mit Tom G. Warrior zum Re-Release der Celtic-Frost-Frühwerke, ein ausführlicher Nachbericht des Summer Breeze Festivals sowie eine Querschau über alle relevanten Releases dieses Herbstes in unserer Szene!




1. DOOM OR BE DOOMED-COMPILATION mit Stücken von Candlemass, Ahab, Draconian, Sojourner und Untamed Lands

2. LEGACY-COMPILATION mit 16 Tracks: Timor Et Tremor, Written In Blood, Processofguilt, Wind In His Hair, Schattenfang, Lost Shade, Susurro, Stahlkeller, Hellfield Conspiracy, Art|Est, Kera Munin, Blindgänger, Age Of Alteration, Bellhaven, Stargo, Lethal Technology


POSTER: Darkthrone + Festival-Kalender 2023

Zusätzlich zu den Titel- und Band-Features der CDs gibt es Interviews mit:
Abyssic, Amberian Dawn, Amputate, Ancient Mastery, Barabbas, Bark, Black Space Riders, Bonecarver, Boundaries, Bran, Candlemass, Celtic Frost, Darkthrone, Deliverance, Destrage, Detraktor, Devilsbridge, Disillusion, Ellefson-Soto, Empire Drowns, Epica, Final Error, Fit For A King, Fortíð, Freternia, Funeral Harvest, Get The Shot, Goddys, Green King, Grift, Grimner, Haavard, Houle, Imha Tarikat, Induction, IT’sALIE, Jaded Heart, Karg, Kill Ritual, Krankheit, League Of Distortion, Loreena McKennitt, Maceration, Mandragora Thuringia, Martyred, Mastic Scum, Mono Inc., Mossadeq, Necrodeath, Necromutilator, No Return, Noctem, Nocturnis, Obvurt, Ofdrykkja, Omega Diatribe, Otus, Psychonaut, Qntal, Rising Storm, Slaughterday, Sleeping With Sirens, Sodom, Soen, Soul Grinder, Stälker, Stormhammer, T.O.M.B., Tchornobog, Terrible Sickness, The Last Ten Seconds Of Life, Them, Theotoxin, Timor Et Tremor, Vévaki, Warkings, We Came As Romans, Xentrix, Zeke Sky




Candlemass & doooomy trips: Candlemass’ 13th album (which also triumphed in our soundcheck) was not only reason to honor the Swedish masters with a title story. But it was also an impulse to create a Doom special of – could it be any different? – epic length. Apart from a historical treatise of the genre and a presentation of its various subgenres, we also talk with honorable men like Tony Martin (ex Black Sabbath), Greg Mackintosh (Paradise Lost, Strigoi) as well as Robert Lowe (ex Candlemass, ex Solitude Aeturnus), and we analyze bands like Saint Vitus, Procession, Acid Witch, Sunn O))) and many, many more. But this is not all! After these doomy trips, we march on into the Black and Death Metal sector. With Sodom (one of the prime fathers of this sinister art), Kampfar and Dødsengel, we first explore the thrashy roots of the genre, then celebrate the epic side of Black Metal with the heathen warriors from Kampfar, and, eventually, drown ourselves in the occult abyss together with Dødsengel. However, do not forget: only death is real! And so, in this issue already full of specials, we also included an outlook of what the year 2023 will bring Death-Metal-wise. This includes long interviews with David Vincent and Steve Tucker (Morbid Angel), Richard Cabeza (Dismember) and Martin van Drunen (Asphyx) as well as Dave Ingram (Benediction, ex Bolt Thrower). By the way: all of these mentioned features “only” fill 65 of 244 pages – so furthermore be prepared for a long interview with Tom G. Warrior about the re-releases of Celtic Frost’s early outputs, an extensive report from this year’s Summer Breeze festival as well as features about all relevant releases this autumn!


1. DOOM OR BE DOOMED-COMPILATION with songs of Candlemass, Ahab, Draconian, Sojourner and Untamed Lands

2. LEGACY-COMPILATION featuring 16 tracks: Timor Et Tremor, Written In Blood, Processofguilt, Wind In His Hair, Schattenfang, Lost Shade, Susurro, Stahlkeller, Hellfield Conspiracy, Art|Est, Kera Munin, Blindgänger, Age Of Alteration, Bellhaven, Stargo, Lethal Technology

POSTER: Darkthrone + Festival-Calendar 2023

In addition to the title stories and bands featured on the CDs we have further interviews with:

Abyssic, Amberian Dawn, Amputate, Ancient Mastery, Barabbas, Bark, Black Space Riders, Bonecarver, Boundaries, Bran, Candlemass, Celtic Frost, Darkthrone, Deliverance, Destrage, Detraktor, Devilsbridge, Disillusion, Ellefson-Soto, Empire Drowns, Epica, Final Error, Fit For A King, Fortíð, Freternia, Funeral Harvest, Get The Shot, Goddys, Green King, Grift, Grimner, Haavard, Houle, Imha Tarikat, Induction, IT’sALIE, Jaded Heart, Karg, Kill Ritual, Krankheit, League Of Distortion, Loreena McKennitt, Maceration, Mandragora Thuringia, Martyred, Mastic Scum, Mono Inc., Mossadeq, Necrodeath, Necromutilator, No Return, Noctem, Nocturnis, Obvurt, Ofdrykkja, Omega Diatribe, Otus, Psychonaut, Qntal, Rising Storm, Slaughterday, Sleeping With Sirens, Sodom, Soen, Soul Grinder, Stälker, Stormhammer, T.O.M.B., Tchornobog, Terrible Sickness, The Last Ten Seconds Of Life, Them, Theotoxin, Timor Et Tremor, Vévaki, Warkings, We Came As Romans, Xentrix, Zeke Sky




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